2023 05 25 1343

I have wanted a simple way to publish notes/logs from small things I'm working on. And keep going back and forth on how to implement it. I would love to have a custom implementation of something like a digital garden that would publish notes directly from obsidian. But for now, are.na should serve work for gathering or displaying collections of research references, inspiration, and logs.

Creating a page from a channel

// app/log/page.tsx

import Image from "next/image";

async function getChannel(collection: string) {
  const res = await fetch(`https://api.are.na/v2/channels/gc-logs`, {
    next: { revalidate: 10 },
  return res.json();

export default async function Page({
  params: { collection },
}: {
  params: { collection: string };
}) {
  // Initiate both requests in parallel
  const channel data = getChannel(collection);

  // Wait for the promises to resolve
  const [channel] = await Promise.all([channelData]);

  return (
      {channel.contents.map((d: any) => (
        <div className="flex flex-col space-y-1 mb-4">
          <div className="w-full flex flex-col">
              {/* s {!d.content ? <>d{d.description}</> : <>{d.content}</>} */}
            {/* <div>
              {!d.image.display ? (
              ) : (
                    alt="Picture of the author"
              )}{" "}
            </div> */}

Dynamic Pages from channel slug

Another implementation would generate pages dynamically based on whether paths match the channel names in are.na


import Image from "next/image";

async function getChannel(collection: string) {
  const res = await fetch(
  return res.json();

export default async function Page({
  params: { collection },
}: {
  params: { collection: string };
}) {
  // Initiate both requests in parallel
  const channelData = getChannel(collection);

  // Wait for the promises to resolve
  const [channel] = await Promise.all([channelData]);

  return (
      {channel.contents.map((d: any) => (
        <div className="flex flex-col space-y-1 mb-4">
          <div className="w-full flex flex-col">