
Sure, creating an app for your Raspberry Pi and its HyperPixel display that interfaces with the API sounds like an exciting project. Here's a basic outline to get you started:


  1. Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS.
  2. HyperPixel display set up.
  3. Python installed (it usually comes preinstalled on Raspbian).


  1. Setup the Environment:

    • You'll need to install the necessary libraries. You can use pip for this.
      pip3 install requests kivy
  2. Fetch Data from API:

    • You'll use the requests library to fetch data from your channel.
  3. GUI with Kivy: Kivy is a popular Python library for creating GUIs on the Raspberry Pi.

    from import App
    from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
    import requests
    class ArenaApp(App):
        def build(self):
   = self.get_arena_data()
            self.index = 0
            layout = BoxLayout()
            # Populate layout with the first block of data from your channel
            # Add touch event handlers
            return layout
        def get_arena_data(self):
            # Use requests to get data from your channel
            response = requests.get('ARE.NA_API_URL_HERE')
            data = response.json()
            return data['blocks']
        def on_touch_down(self, touch):
            if touch.x < self.width/3:  # Touch on left
                self.index -= 1
            elif touch.x > 2*self.width/3:  # Touch on right
                self.index += 1
            else:  # Touch in center
                # Display popup to switch channels
            # Update display based on new index

    Note: Replace 'ARE.NA_API_URL_HERE' with the appropriate API endpoint for your channel.

  4. Add Popup for Channel Switching:

    • You can use Kivy’s Popup widget to show a popup where users can switch channels.
  5. Handling Touch:

    • Use the on_touch_down method to detect touch events and determine which third of the screen was touched to either switch blocks or display the popup.
  6. Auto-Start on Boot: If you want the app to automatically start when the Raspberry Pi boots up, you can edit the .bashrc file:

    echo "python3 /path_to_your_script/" >> ~/.bashrc
  7. Full-Screen Mode: To make your app run in full-screen mode on Kivy, you can modify the ~/.kivy/config.ini file and set the height and width to match your HyperPixel display's resolution and set fullscreen to 1.

Remember, this is a basic outline, and you'll need to fill in details specific to your application and channel structure. You might also want to implement error handling, especially when dealing with network requests.