As part of ongoing research for house 9, we showcased our work in progress at the Global Climate Action Summit 2018 in San Francisco. The project was still ongoing, but we had the chance to show three product concepts for helping save and reduce strain on public utility systems. As part of the summit, we made an installation for each product and three kiosks to teach the community about energy and ongoing product research for what we called the [[pico-core]].
We created three speculative products, each focused on reducing the strain on a specific public utility system. Called composting-tink, switch, and router. Each was put into a scene for how they would fit into your home.
For the installation, we painted each product scene with one color except for the product to help draw more attention to it.
One kipos created a change for the community to share some facts with friends by filling out a postcard which we mailed for free
The second one had an interactive section which allowed so see how energy and water usage would be lower with the pico-core.
One the the most fun parts of the project for me was creating the little magnetic conectors which each appliacne connected to.